As a rule, for so much of history, it was considered impossible for women to write music….and for those who did it anyway, it was considered unseemly and unfeminine, and was generally limited to purely domestic idioms and audiences, or quashed altogether by marriage. Such music as reached publication generally did so under the name of a supportive male relative, or as “Anonymous”.

Adopted and championed by her father Giulio (she was illegitimate), she was introduced to Venice’s intellectual elite, and studied with masters such as Francesco Cavalli. She grew into one of the most prolific composers of vocal music of her time, a pioneer of the new “cantata” form, a performer (singer) also admired for her poetry, and most importantly, a PUBLISHED composer. No other woman would be both talented and fortunate enough to manage this for several CENTURIES!
She is such an interesting figure that of course when I was invited by The Brisbane Baroque Players to sing a concert focusing on her seldom-performed work I jumped at it, and then I fell in love with her musically on top of as a proto-feminist icon!